Expectations covered in the following pages:
- Behaviour
- School Supplies
- Homework and Planners
- Written Assignments & Exercise Books
- Away for One Day
- Away For More Than One Day
- Text Books
- Computer Use
- Entering and Leaving
- Getting Ready For Class
- Independent Working Time
- PE Expectations
- Dropping Something Off At School
Parent Questions
Like the other teachers in this school, I like to promote the desire and ability to learn, the ability to work cooperatively with others, and good manners. Putting in a good effort and using self discipline is also greatly encouraged. I think if we all work toward these goals, all students can make great strides.
Please read the following through with your child. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Students are supposed to come to school to grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Therefore they are expected to reflect that in their behaviour. Everybody has the right to learn as well as the responsibility to allow others to learn. Students at this age are expected to be able to work independently, as well as work cooperatively with others. Students are expected to show consideration for those around them, just as others should show them consideration.
School Supplies
Students are expected to have the requested school supplies, properly identified, and looked after in an organized fashion so they stay in good shape and can be found easily. Duo-tangs are to be kept free of graffiti.
Homework and Planners
It is my expectation that students will be reading for 15-20 minutes, every night, either to an adult or silently. As well, I would like students to explore the many online math games that are available. I have created links to many excellent websites. I would like students to practice their basic facts through math games such as Sketch’s World for a few minutes each evening.
At the beginning of the year, there will not be a lot of homework as the students transition into Grade 3. As the year progresses, the amount of homework assigned may increase, but at no time should a student or family feel overwhelmed with homework.
As we begin each math unit, a corresponding “homework and practice” booklet in a duotang will come home. This allows students to practice the concepts covered in class, as well as allow parents to see where their child may be struggling. I typically assign the lessons as we finish the lessons from the textbook in class. Sometimes, we might complete a lesson in one day; other lessons may take two or three math blocks to complete.
We will complete several projects over the course of the year. There will be times when some support from home will be necessary. However, I will let you know in advance so that families can plan accordingly. Projects are typically enjoyable, and allow students to show extra creativity and hard work. Several students have already requested homework, and I do my best to find a balance between families that want and expect homework, and families that find homework becomes a nightly battle. Please, please, please, come talk to me if you find anything is getting to be too much for your child or your family. Due dates are flexible, and we must always keep sight of the larger goal of children becoming lifelong, enthusiastic learners.
Students are expected to make regular use of a planner (homework book). Parents are asked to sign the planner each evening. I request that parents check any homework for completion, neatness, and accuracy before they sign the planner.
Written Assignments & Exercise Books
Every written assignment should have a subject title, date, and title and/or page number. The proper procedure has been reviewed with the students. Work should be done with obvious care and attention. Work that is meant to be handed in needs to be word processed, or completed in pencil. Math, rough drafts, and daily exercise work should be done in pencil. If a computer is available at home, I encourage its use.
Students need a duo-tang for each subject. Please refer to the school supply list for other supplies requested.
Corrections should be done in all subjects. A person usually doesn’t learn very much from what they already know, but they have a good opportunity to learn something from a mistake! It is important to remember that mistakes aren’t a bad thing as they are an unavoidable part of learning. Not doing anything about mistakes is a shame.
Away for One Day
If a student is absent from school for one day, they are expected to find out what they have missed and get it completed for the next morning. There will usually be a folder on the student’s desk with any work he or she may have missed. It is the student’s responsibility to get caught up. There are numerous people at school ready and willing to help them if asked.
Away For More Than One Day
If a student has been away for more than a day and they feel that they need more than one day to get caught up with their missed assignments, then they need to come and see me and make a mutually agreeable arrangement concerning when the work will be due.
Text Books
Students will be given texts with a specific number. The student is then responsible for the text they are given. They should never use someone else’s text without their consent. If a student loses a text, they may be asked to pay for it and then a replacement book can be issued to them. If they find their old text, the money can be returned.
If students sign out books from the school to take home, they are responsible for them.
Computer Use
Students are increasingly using computer technology for a variety of purposes. Responsible use of our network and the Internet is expected, as outlined in the contract that both the student and parent must sign with the district, or privileges may be revoked.
Entering and Leaving
Usually, when entering the classroom from outside, students should use our classroom outside door. The same door should be used when going outside. Since I need to know where my students are during class time, they are expected to see me before they leave the class, and to sign in and out.
Getting Ready For Class
Students should be punctual. When entering the school, they should put away unneeded clothes, hats, and bags in the appropriate spot. Quick use of the washroom should be made at this time rather than during class time. Following that, students should then check to see what materials are needed for upcoming subjects and make sure they are on their desk.
Independent Working Time
Students should try to avoid making unnecessary disturbances that will affect others. When they are finished assignments, they should go on to things that they still have to do, and then go on to those activities that they would like to do. Students should try to do their work as independently as possible. When they need help, they should first help themselves by doing such things as rereading their material and making use of dictionaries.
PE & Gym Strip
This year, Ms. Francis will be teaching PE to our class on Mondays and Tuesdays. She will be promoting good sportsmanship, a willingness to participate, and skill development. Having clean inside gym shoes and participating to the best of the student’s ability helps to develop good attitudes and habits toward fitness and health for future years. Appropriate athletic shoes with soft, non-marking, soles are necessary for PE. Sandals, crocs, street, or dress shoes are not acceptable. They can cause injuries and can damage the gym floor. Students without appropriate footwear may not be allowed to participate in PE.
Ms. Francis has decided that PE strip is optional this year. If you would like your child to change for PE, please provide him/her with a labeled, draw-string bag to store the PE strip in the classroom.
To be excused from PE, I would like a signed note from home asking that the student be excused. This makes communicating the issue with Ms. Francis easier.
Dropping Something Off At School
Sometimes you might find yourself dropping something off at school during class time. Usually the most convenient way for you to do this is to leave it at the office, and then the item can be given to your child when it won’t disturb a lesson. If it is outside of class time, feel free to drop by and say hello, and give the item to your child personally.
Parent Questions
Let’s all work together to have a successful and enjoyable year. If you have any questions, please call (604-463-8871) or see me at school, or write me a note in your child’s planner and I will get back to you. You can also e-mail me at mbaldassi@sd42.ca or mrsbaldassi@shaw.ca.
I would like both students and parents to be aware of this information. Once you and your child have reviewed these expectations, please put a note in the planner indicating this.